English through Songs
Do you learn English? Let's talk together. Learn English Everyday.
21 January 2025
31 July 2023
28 June 2021
Love me do by the Beatles
" Love me do "
Love me do - words and phrases
1. love - kochać
to be in in love with - być zakochanym w
to fall in love - zakochać się
He loves her.
She loves working in her garden.
I'd love to come. Bardzo chciałbym przyjść.
2. love - miłość
unrequited love - nieodwzajemniona miłość
lovely ( -ier, - iest ) - śliczny, uroczy
a lovely child - śliczne dziecko
a lovely party - urocze przyjęcie
a lovely holidays - wspaniałe wakacje
lover - kochanek, miłośnik
loving - kochający, oddany
a loving wife - kochająca żona
so - więc
So you've come back! - Więc wróciłeś
Someone/somebody is waiting for you. Ktoś na ciebie czeka.
always - zawsze
He always tells the truth. - On zawsze mówi prawdę.
Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Someone to love
Somebody new
Someone to love
Someone like you.
22 March 2020
Yellow submarine - the Beatles - Learn English through Songs
The Beatles
Download phrase list of this song
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up to the sun
'Til we found a sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
(Full speed ahead Mr. Parker, full speed ahead
Full speed over here, Sir
Action station, action station
Aye, fire
Heaven, heaven)
As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need (has all we need)
Sky of blue (sky of blue) and sea of green (and sea of green)
In our yellow submarine (in our yellow, submarine, ha ha)
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
Full speed ahead - Cała naprzód!
Cut the cable - drop the cable - rzucić liny
Aye aye - Tak jest!
Download the list of words and phrases of this song
Autorzy utworu: John Lennon / Paul McCartney
Tekst utworu Yellow Submarine © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Yellow Submarine - the Beatles - Learn English through Songs
The Beatles
List of words - Yellow Submarine by the Beatles
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up to the sun
'Til we found a sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
20 March 2020
Yellow submarine - the Beatles - Learn English through Songs
We will be learn verse second today.
Zapisz się poprzez formularz Contact
Form - otrzymasz listę słów i wyrażeń
występujących w piosence.
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FORM - You will receive a list of words
and phrases appearing in the song.
In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up to the sun
'Til we found a sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
18 March 2020
Yellow Submarine - the Beatles - Learn English through Songs
Zapisz się poprzez formularz Contact
Form - otrzymasz listę słów i wyrażeń
występujących w piosence.
Sign up through the CONTACT
FORM - You will receive a list of words
and phrases appearing in the song.
[ Verse 1 ]
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
Issues for discussion and conversation:
- Where do you live?
- Do you live in a flat or in a house?
- When is your birthday?
- Where do you live? = Where do you live now?
- Where are you from? = Where were you born? = Where did you grow up?
- Where do you stay?
- Are you a man or a woman?
- Have you ever sailed to sea?
- Tel me something about your life
- Let me take you to a magical land
- Do submarines have windows?
Źródło utworu: LyricFindAutorzy utworu: John Lennon / Paul McCartney
Tekst utworu Yellow Submarine © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
22 January 2020
How To Learn English
Have fun!
31 October 2019
How to Learn English Every Day - learn English with #Vagaru Day 1
routine = something you do over and over😀 workout routine 😀 This film was about how to find your ideal warkout routine
Mix it up. Wymieszaj to
😀 keep working out - ćwiczyć dalej
😀Be hard on yourself - bądź dla siebie twardy
time to swich - czas na zmian
I'm not only findind what works for me today but finding what works for me tomorrow
I maybe someone who loves to go for walks.🤣 Love to go for walks = take a walk = have a walk🤩
Over time - zbiegiem czasu. For example: Over time everything changes.😀😀or You may be someone who loves to go for walks that •may change• over time.
🤸♀️•workout routine• (set of physical exercises)
This is how to find your ideal workout routine. Powtarzalny zestaw ćwiczeń
🤸♂️ •what works for you• (what is good for you)
Now there are two things we have to think about: not only finding what works for you today but finding what works for you tomorrow.
co działa na Ciebie
🤸♂️You may be someone who loves to go for walks that •may change• (it is possible it will change) over time
może się zmienić
🤸♂️you have to give yourself the •freedom and flexibility• (a state of not being limited and being able to change) to try different things and to know that hey today I might love to walk, tomorrow I might love to swim
wolność i elastyczność
1️⃣ Włącz nagranie ponownie i zatrzymaj tam, gdzie usłyszysz powyższe zdania. Zapisz, odczytuj i powtarzaj aż dojdziesz do tempa oryginału.
2️⃣ W celu poprawy koncentracji i dobrego samopoczucia poruszaj się wybierz aktywność, którą lubisz. Dodaj zdjęcie z opisem na swój profil z oznaczeniem mnie. Opisz zdjęcie po angielsku używając jednego z dzisiejszych zwrotów!
🏝 mały cel=krok - to właśnie dzięki temu masz świadomość tego, czego się uczysz i widzisz namacalne efekty!
✅ Dzisiaj umiesz:
👉 zastanowić się po angielsku nad tym jak znaleźć najlepszą aktywność fizyczną
👉 wiesz, że musisz poszukać czegoś co będzie dla Ciebei dobre i dzisiaj, i jutro
👉 umiesz mówić, że możesz być kimś kto kocha spacery, ale z czasem to się może zmienić. 👉 wiesz też, jak powiedzieć, że musisz dać sobie wolność i elastyczność, żeby próbować różnych rzeczy.
1️⃣ Ucząc się słówek, wyobrażaj sobie je, oglądaj, słuchaj, ubarwiaj… im więcej skojarzeń wytworzysz w swojej wyobraźni, tym lepiej zapamiętasz. Wyobrażaj sobie siebie kiedy używasz tych słówek, zwrotów i zdań.
2️⃣Dzięki temu, że będziesz uczyć się wyjaśnień nowych słów i zwrotów po angielsku o wiele szybciej zaczniesz •myśleć po angielsku•, •zaczniesz budować pełne i poprawne zdania w czasie rozmowy•. Ucz się tych wyjaśnień, powtarzaj je na głos, wyobrażaj sobie, że tłumaczysz nowe zwroty komuś po angielsku.
21 October 2019
How to communicate in English
Today is my first day of aggie challenge.
- fitness advisor
adviser ( also advisor ) - dorad-ca/czyni
someone whose job is to give advice about a subject
He's a good advisor - I don't know what I would do without him.
( .. co bym bez niego zrobił. )
- workout routine - procedura/ustalony porządek
- we have to
- what works for you
- need to experiment
- at home
- go for walks
- may change - może ulec zmianie
used to talk about what is possibly true or will possibly happen
I may be late, so don't wait for me.
Over time everything changes.
- over time - z biegiem czasu
- freedom and flexibility - wolność i elastyczność
- mix it up - wymieszaj to
- the goal is to ..
- keep working out - ćwicz dalej
- have to motivation to - mieć motywację do
- time to switch - czas na zmianę
25 June 2019
There is a message for you.
24 June 2019
Is it time to have anything to eat?
23 June 2019
There is no letter for you today.
20 June 2019
Must you do your English homework today?
18 June 2019
What do you want to buy her?
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