10 April 2019

I learn English - step by step.

Unit 26 part 5
Has Chris got much milk in his cup? Answer Yes
Yes, he has. Chris has got much milk in his cup. He’s got much milk in his cup.

Has Damian got much money to spend? Y
Yes, he has. Damian has got much money to spend. He’s got much money to spend.

Has Paulina got much sugar in her coffee? Answer No
No, she hasn’t. Paulina hasn’t got much sugar in her coffee. She hasn’t got much sugar in her coffee.

Can we meet tomorrow? N - work to do
No, I’m afraid not. I’ve got a lot of work to do.

Has Damian got much work to do? Y
Yes, he has. Damian has got much work to do. He’s got much work to do.

Chris and Ada are in a hurry. Q
Are Chris and Ada in a hurry? Are they in a hurry?

Chris and Ada are late. Q
Are Chris and Ada late? Are they late?

Have you got any time to spare? N
No, we haven’t.

Ada likes reading at home. Q
Does Ada like reading at home? Does she like reading at home?

Have you got many books? Y
Yes, I have. I’ve got a lot of books.

Has she got many cats at home? Nie, nie dużo. Tylko 5 czy 6.
No, not many. Only five or six.

Has Damian got many children? N
No, he hasn’t. Damian hasn’t got many children.

Have Ada and Chris got many children? Nie, nie mają. Nie mają żadnych dzieci.
No, they haven’t. They haven’t got any children.

Chris is very unlucky. Why? Bo nie ma pieniędzy.
Because he has no money.

Ada is very happy. Why? Bo nie ma problemów.
Because she has no problems.

Paulina is free in the afternoon. Q
Is Paulina free in the afternoon?

When can I come? Any time between 2 and 3
You can can any time between two and three.

When can Chris come? Any time between 4 and 5
He can come any time between four and five.

When can Ada and Chris come? Any time between 8 and 9
They can come any time  between eight and nine.

Ada and Chris are on time. Q
Are Ada and Chris on time?

Are we free? N
No, you aren’t. You’re not free.

Are we late? Y
Yes, you are. You’re late.

Are you alone? N
No, I’m not. I’m not alone.

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