12 June 2019

Grace is going out

Lesson 31 part 4

Chris is going out. Gdzie? Do apteki
Where to? To the chemist’s.

She is going out. Gdzie? Do sklepu
Where to? To the shop.

I’m going to the library. Po co?
What for?

We’re going to the post office. Po co?
What for?

He’s going out. Gdzie?
Where to?

Grace is going out. Gdzie?
Where to?

Grace is going out. Where to? Do sklepu spożywczego.
To the grocer’s.

I’m going out. I’m going to the post office. What for? Po znaczki.
For some stamps.

I’m going out. Where to? To the grocer’s. What for? Po trochę cukru
For some sugar.

I’m going out. Where to? To the chemist’s. What for? Po pewne lekarstwa.
For some medicine.

Grace wants to buy some sugar. Q
Does Grace want to buy any sugar? Does she want to  buy any sugar?

Chris needs some envelopes. Q
Does Chris need any envelopes?

Where are you going? Sklep z art. piśmienniczymi
To the stationer’s.

Ada wants to write letters. Os
Ada doesn’t want to write letters. She doesn’t want to write letters.

What do you need? Parę kopert i znaczków
I need some envelopes and stamps.

Ida wants to see a play. Q
Does Ida want to see a play?

What is Ewa doing on Saturday morning? Będzie dawać wykład na temat nowoczesnej sztuki
She is giving a lecture on modern art.

What are you doing on Saturday evening? Będę grać w karty w domu Idy.
I’m playing cards at Ida’s.

What are you doing on Friday afternoon? Będę uczył się angielskiego
I’m studying English.

Damian and Paulina want to listen to some good music at the weekend. Q
Do Damian and Paulina want to listen to some good music at the weekend?

Chris wants to listen to some good music at the weekend. Q
Does Chris want to listen to some good music at the weekend?

What are Damian and Paulina doing on Saturday evening? Idą na koncert
They are going to a concert.

What Chris doing on Thursday afternoon? Wyjeżdża do Oslo
He is leaving for Oslo. Chris is leaving for Oslo on Thursday afternoon.

What is Agnieszka doing in August? Wychodzi za mąż

She is getting married. Agnieszka is getting married in August.

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