Lesson 33 part 3
There is a message for you. Od kogo? Nie wiem, jest na stole.
Who from? I don’t know. It’s on the table.
Są jakieś książki dla Pauli.
There are some books for Paula.
Czy jest w domu jakiś papier do pisania?
Is there any writing paper in the house?
Is there any writing paper in the house? N
No, there isn’t, I’m afraid.
Czy są dla mnie jakieś listy?
Are there any letters for me?
Are there any letters for me? Niestety nie
No, I’m afraid not.
Nie mam szczęścia. Nigdy nie dostaję żadnych listów
I’m not very lucky. I never get any letters.
There are no letters for us today. Jaka szkoda!
What a pity!
Grają dzisiaj wieczorem w kinie bardzo dobry film.
There is a very good film on at the cinema tonight.
Czy chciałbyś go zobaczyć?
Would you like to see it?
I am tired, too. Ja jestem zbyt zmęczony.
I’m too tired.
Ktoś do ciebie dzwoni.
There’s someone on the telephone for you.
There’s someone on the telephone for you. Kto? Myślę, że to Grace
Who? I think it’s Grace.
Is there a cinema anywhere near here? Nie sądzę
I don’t think so.
Czy jest tu gdzieś blisko kino?
Is there a cinema anywhere near here?
Is there a bar anywhere near here? Os
Isn’t there a bar anywhere near here?
I never get any letters on Monday. Zwykle dostaję jakieś listy w poniedziałek
I usually get some letters on Monday.
Is there a letter for me? Nie ma dla mnie żadnego listu
There is no letter for me.
Are there any letters for me? Nie ma dla ciebie żadnych listów
There are no letters for you.
Jest tam książka.
There is a book there