25 June 2019

There is a message for you.

Lesson 33 part 3

There is a message for you. Od kogo? Nie wiem, jest na stole.
Who from? I don’t know. It’s on the table.

Są jakieś książki dla Pauli.
There are some books for Paula.

Czy jest w domu jakiś papier do pisania?
Is there any writing paper in the house?

Is there any writing paper in the house? N
No, there isn’t, I’m afraid.

Czy są dla mnie jakieś listy?
Are there any letters for me?

Are there any letters for me? Niestety nie
No, I’m afraid not.

Nie mam szczęścia. Nigdy nie dostaję żadnych listów
I’m not very lucky. I never get any letters.

There are no letters for us today. Jaka szkoda!
What a pity!

Grają dzisiaj wieczorem w kinie bardzo dobry film.
There is a very good film on at the cinema tonight.

Czy chciałbyś go zobaczyć?
Would you like to see it?

I am tired, too. Ja jestem zbyt zmęczony.
I’m too tired.

Ktoś do ciebie dzwoni. 
There’s someone on the telephone for you.

There’s someone on the telephone for you. Kto? Myślę, że to Grace
Who? I think it’s Grace.

Is there a cinema anywhere near here? Nie sądzę
I don’t think so.

Czy jest tu gdzieś blisko kino?
Is there a cinema anywhere near here?

Is there a bar anywhere near here? Os
Isn’t there a bar anywhere near here?

I never get any letters on Monday. Zwykle dostaję jakieś listy w poniedziałek
I usually get some letters on Monday.

Is there a letter for me? Nie ma dla mnie żadnego listu
There is no letter for me.

Are there any letters for me? Nie ma dla ciebie żadnych listów
There are no letters for you.

Jest tam książka.
There is a book there

24 June 2019

Is it time to have anything to eat?

Lesson 33 part 2

Is it time to have anything to eat? Y
Yes, it is. It’s time to have something to eat.

Are you hungry? N
No, I’m not. I’m not hungry. But I’m thirsty.

We can go and have lunch if you like. Q
Can we go and have lunch if you like?

Is there a good restaurant anywhere near here? Tak, tylko 5 minut pieszo
Yes, there is. It’s only five minutes’ walk.

What would you like? Rybę z frytkami
Fish and chips, please.

Chleb z masłem
Bread and butter, please.

I never get any letters on Monday. Zwykle dostaję jakieś listy w poniedziałek
I usually get some letters on Monday.

Is there a letter for me? Nie ma dla mnie żadnego listu
There is no letter for me.

Are there any letters for me? Nie ma dla ciebie żadnych listów
There are no letters for you.

Jest tam książka.
There is a book there

23 June 2019

23th June 2019 - Rewa, Poland

23rd June 2019
I was ride a bike in Rewa.

Click here - This is my ride a bike to Rewa, Poland

There is no letter for you today.

Lesson 33 part 1
Gdańsk, Poland
Is there a letter on the table? Y
Yes, there is a letter on the table.

Is there a letter for Grace? Y
Yes, there is. There’s a letter for her.

Is there a letter for Chris? Y
Yes, there is. There’s a letter for him.

There is a letter for you. Q
Is there a letter for me?

There are some letters for Ada. Q
Are there any letters for Ada? Are there any letters for her?

Are there any letters for us? N
No, there aren’t. There aren’t any letters for you. There are no any letters for you.

There are some letters for Ida. Os
There aren’t any letters for Ida.

There is some money here. Os
There isn’t any money here.

There is no letter for you today. Q
Is there no letter for me today?

There is no money there. Q
Is there no money there?

Nigdy nie ma dla mnie żadnych pieniędzy w czwartek.
There is never any money for me on Thursday.

Is there a telegram for Grace? Y
Yes, there is. There is a telegram for Grace. There’s a telegram for her.

Are there telegrams for Chris? Y
Yes, there are. There are telegrams for him.

There is one telegram for Ewa, too. I też jeden do Idy.
There is one for Ida, too.

20 June 2019

Must you do your English homework today?

Lesson 32 part 6 ( last )
the Baltic Sea
I must go home. Nie, nie musisz
No, you needn’t. You needn’t go home.

Ada must go home. Nie, nie musi
No, she needn’t. She needn’t go home.

Must we wait for Grace? Nie, nie musimy
No, we needn’t. We needn’t wait for her.

I must wait for Chris. Q
Must you wait for Chris?

Must you do your English homework today? N
No, I needn’t. I needn’t do my English homework today.

Must she do your German homework today? N
No, she needn’t. She needn’t do your German homework today.

Must Grace study French? N
No, she needn’t. Grace needn’t study French.

Must Ada and Chris work hard? Y
Yes, they must. Ada and Chris must work hard.

Chris needn’t go home. Os
Chris must go home. He must go home.

Chris and Grace needn’t wait for her. Os
Chris and Grace must wait for her. They must wait for her.

Grace needn’t do your homework tomorrow. Os
Grace must do your homework tomorrow. She must do your homework tomorrow.

Ada needn’t study French. Os
Ada must study French. She must study French.

Chris and Grace needn’t work hard. Os
Chris and Grace must work hard. They must work hard.

Must Ada work hard? Y
Yes, she must. Ada must work hard. She must hard work.

Do you need any money? N
No, I don’t. I don’t need any money.

Does Grace need any money? Y
Yes, she does. She needs some money. Grace needs some money.

Chris needs some money. Os
Chris doesn’t need any money. He doesn’t need any money.

Chris and Grace need some money. Os
Chris and Grace needn’t any money. They needn’t any money.

Must you write to Ida? Y
Yes, I must. I must to write to Ida. I must to write to her.

Must Chris write to Damian? Y
Yes, he must. Chris must to write to Damian. He must to write to him.

I’m going shopping. What do you want to buy? Muszę kupić trochę cukru
I must buy some sugar.

Are you going shopping? What do you want to buy? Muszę kupić trochę mąki
I must buy some flour.

I can’t do any shopping today. Q
Can’t you do any shopping today?

Grace can do some shopping tomorrow. Q
Can Grace does any shopping tomorrow? Can she does any shopping tomorrow?

I can’t do any shopping tomorrow. Why not? Bo nie masz żadnych pieniędzy
Because you haven’t got any money.

Why can’t you do any shopping today? Bo nie mam pieniędzy
Because I haven’t got any money.

Why can’t you go to the party? Bo nie mam czasu
Because I have no time.

Ewa has got nothing to read. Hasn’t she got any books at home? N
No, she hasn’t. Ewa hasn’t got any books at home.

I’ve got nothing to read. Haven’t you got any books at home? N
No, I haven’t. I haven’t got any books at home.

18 June 2019

What do you want to buy her?

Lesson 32 part 5
Grace knows that Chris likes music. Q
Does Grace know that Chris likes music?

I want to give Paulina a present. What … a book
What do you want to give her? I want to give her a book.

I want to give Ida and Ewa a present? What … a car
What do you want to give them? I want to give them a car.

Grace knows that Ada likes animals. Os
Grace doesn’t know that Ada likes animals. She doesn’t know that Ada likes animals.

It’s Grace’s birthday tomorrow. I must buy her a present. Co chcesz jej kupić?
What do you want to buy her?

What do you want to buy her? A nice cup
I want to buy her a nice cup.

Chris can go to the cinema because he hasn’t his homework to do. Os
Chris can’t go to the cinema because he has his homework to do.

Must you drive to Manchester tonight? Y
Yes, I must. I must drive to Manchester tonight.

Ada must drive to Bristol tonight. Q
Must Ada drive to Bristol tonight?

Can you go out this evening? Y
Yes, I can. I can go out this evening.

Grace can’t go out this evening. Q
Can’t Grace go out this evening? Can’t she go out this evening?

Must Chris go out this afternoon? N
No, he needn’t. Chris needn’t go out this afternoon.

Ada must stay at home this morning. Os
Ada needn’t stay at home this morning. She needn’t stay at home this morning.

Chris needn’t go to work today. Os
Chris must go to work today.

Paula likes music and Damian likes sport. Os
Paula doesn’t like music and Damian doesn’t like sport.

How does Ewa usually spend your Monday mornings? Read books
As a rule she usually reads books.

Grace wants to buy some bread, butter and cheese. Os
Grace doesn’t want to buy any bread, butter and cheese.

I’m in a hurry. Q
Are you in a hurry?

Can you spare me five minutes? N
No, I afraid I can’t.

17 June 2019

Why can't you do the housework today?

Lesson 32 part 4

Would you like to go to a party tonight? Chciałbym, ale nie mogę
I’d like to, but I can’t.

As a rule I go swimming on Monday. Os
As a rule I don’t go swimming on Monday.

How does Chris usually spend your Tuesday mornings? Z reguły czyta gazety
As a rule he usually reads newspapers.

Why can’t you do the housework today? Bo jestem bardzo zajęty i muszę odrabiać lekcje z niemieckiego
Because I’m very busy and I must do my German homework.

Musisz robić prace domowe dzisiaj?
Must you do the housework today?

Nie możesz tego odłożyć do jutra?
Can’t you put it off till tomorrow?

Chris must go and see Ida this evening. Os
Chris needn’t go and see Ida this evening. He needn’t go and see her this evening.

Why do you want to see her? a very nice girl
Because she is a very nice girl.

Grace knows that Chris likes music. Q
Does Grace know that Chris likes music?

I want to give Paulina a present. What … a book
What do you want to give her? I want to give her a book.

I want to give Ida and Ewa a present? What … a car
What do you want to give them? I want to give them a car.

Grace knows that Ada likes animals. Os
Grace doesn’t know that Ada likes animals. She doesn’t know that Ada likes animals.

It’s Grace’s birthday tomorrow. I must buy her a present. Co chcesz jej kupić?
What do you want to buy her?

What do you want to buy her? A nice cup
I want to buy her a nice cup.

Chris can go to the cinema because he hasn’t his homework to do. Os
Chris can’t go to the cinema because he has his homework to do.

Must you drive to Manchester tonight? Y
Yes, I must. I must drive to Manchester tonight.

Ada must drive to Bristol tonight. Q
Must Ada drive to Bristol tonight?

Can you go out this evening? Y
Yes, I can. I can go out this evening.

Grace can’t go out this evening. Q
Can’t Grace go out this evening? Can’t she go out this evening?

Must Chris go out this afternoon? N
No, he needn’t. Chris needn’t go out this afternoon.

Ada must stay at home this morning. Os
Ada needn’t stay at home this morning. She needn’t stay at home this morning.

Chris needn’t go to work today. Os
Chris must go to work today.

Paula likes music and Damian likes sport. Os
Paula doesn’t like music and Damian doesn’t like sport.

How does Ewa usually spend your Monday mornings? Read books
As a rule she usually reads books.

Grace wants to buy some bread, butter and cheese. Os
Grace doesn’t want to buy any bread, butter and cheese.

I’m in a hurry. Q
Are you in a hurry?

Can you spare me five minutes? N
No, I afraid I can’t.

16 June 2019

I want to buy Ida a present

Lesson 32 part 3
Poland - Seaside Boulevard - Gdynia
I must buy a stamp. Os
I needn’t buy a stamp.

Ada needs a stamp. Os
Ada doesn’t need a stamp. She doesn’t need a stamp.

Chris and Grace must buy an envelope. Os
Chris and Grace needn’t buy an envelope.

I don’t need a stamp. An envelope
I need an envelope.

You needn’t buy an envelope. Os
You must buy an envelope.

I want to buy Ida a present. Q
Do you want to buy Ida a present?

I want to buy a present for Ida. Q
Do you want to buy a present for Ida?

Do you want to buy her a camera? Y
Yes, I do. I want to buy her a camera.

Must you buy Tom a present? Y
Yes, I must. I must buy Tom a present.

I want to buy him a book. Q
Do you want to buy him a book?

I must buy Ada and Chris a camera. Os
I needn’t buy Ada and Chris a camera.

He wants to buy them a present. Os
He doesn’t want to buy them a present.

She must buy a present for Chris. Q
Must she buy a present for Chris?

Does Ada want to buy Ida and Ewa a present? Y
Yes, she does. Ada wants to buy Ida and Ewa a present. She wants to buy them a present.

Must Chris buy a present for Grace? Y
Yes, he must. Chris must buy a present for Grace. He must buy a present for her.

Do you want to buy Paula and Damian a camera? Y
Yes, I do. I want to buy Paula and Damian a camera. I want to buy them a camera.

Must Grace buy a present for Ida and Ewa? N
No, she needn’t. Grace needn’t buy a present for Ida and Ewa. She needn’t buy a present for them.

He wants to go swimming on Thursday. Os
He doesn’t want to go swimming on Thursday.

Does Ada want to go dancing on Monday? N
No, she doesn’t. Ada doesn’t want to go dancing on Monday. She doesn’t want to go dancing on Monday.

Chris wants to go shopping on Saturday. Os
Chris doesn’t want to go shopping on Saturday. He doesn’t want to go shopping on Saturday.

I want to go and see Ida on Friday. Q
Do you want to go and see Ida on Friday?

Do they want to go and play tennis on Sunday? Tuesday
No, they don’t. They don’t want to go and play tennis on Sunday, but they want to go and play tennis on Tuesday.

Grace wants to go and read in the library on Wednesday. Q
Does Grace want to go and read in the library on Wednesday?

Grace is usually late on Saturday. Os
Grace isn’t usually late on Saturday. She’s not usually late on Saturday.

Are you usually late on Monday? Y
Yes, I am. I’m usually late on Monday.

Is Chris usually late on Tuesday? N
No, he isn’t. Chris is not usually late on Tuesday. He’s not usually late on Tuesday.

Chris usually works on Saturday. Q
Does Chris usually work on Saturday? Does he usually work on Saturday?

Do Paula and Damian usually work on Sunday? N
No, they don’t. Paula and Damian usually don’t work on Sunday.

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